Sunday, April 14, 2019


College Student Tells Cop MAGA Hats are Symbol of White Supremacy

This is what colleges are teaching these little punks today and nothing illustrates the racial and social harm that Barack Obama’s presidency did to America more than the reactions of the left to Make America Great Again (MAGA) hats.

Read about the ill-informed brainwashed rude youth


  1. Parkland terrorist Nikolas Cruz wore a MAGA hat.

    Quebec terrorist Alexandre Bissonette wore a MAGA hat.

    Florida terrorist Cesar Sayoc wore a MAGA hat.

    CG terrorist Christopher Hasson wore a MAGA hat.

    New Zealand terrorist Brenton Tarrant hailed MAGA n his manifesto.

  2. Most nut jobs are Democrats:
    Ft.Hood shooter Nidal Hasan - Democrat, and Muslim
    Adam Lanza - Liberal, hated Christians
    Columbine High School freaks - too young to vote but came from very liberal families
    Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho - liberal freak
    Virginia Tech decapitater - liberal
    Colorado Theater shooter James Holmes - liberal
    Live on air Roanoke VA TV station shooter Vester Lee Flanagan - liberal
    Navy shipyard shooter Aaron Alexis - liberal
    Arizona Gabby Giffords shooter Jared Loughner - Liberal, hated Bush
    The DC snipers back in 2003 - Liberals
    Chattanooga TN Marine Recruiting center shooter - Muslim democrat
    Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) - Leftist

    Want more? let me know.

  3. Good response, Lynn. These hateful liberals think they're so smart. Want terrorists? Look no further than "Congresswoman" Omar.

  4. 9:09am don't forget the terrorist Armandoa Cuadras who brutally murdered American citizen Leola Shreves in her own home in that great sanctuary state of California. Cuadras could be "congressgirl" Cortez brother.

  5. No 2:20. The adults are now in charge. Fear not!

  6. In your dreams 3:08! From what I can see, nobody is in charge. Just a lot of rhetoric and empty threats.

  7. Hey dummy at 9:09...not all people who wear red hats are white supremacists, but all white supremacists wear red hats. Think about it.

  8. @5:37. When you claim that "all" of anything is a truth, then you are flat wrong. Think about it. You can wear whatever you want; it's called the First Amendment. Even Democrats are WalkingAway. #walkaway and some are wearing MAGA hats!

  9. LOL. Yes, Democrats are walking away and they're being followed by the Jews and the blacks. Soon y'all will be actually believe that the Muslims are WalkingAway...because you're just that dim.

    Lynn, do us all who live in this town a favor. If you get an email or read on The Powdered Wig that cars bounce off Trumpsters, please meander over to the boulevard and check it out.

  10. Oh, and 6:50, why don't you post under your own name? Too "dim" to do that? Or just too cowardly?
