Wednesday, April 3, 2019

James Clapper - Obama behind Trump-Russia Collussion Allegation

Oh wow! Clapper spills beans on who pulled strings for 'Russia collusion'

[WorldNetDaily] "Now that the nonsense over alleged Russia collusion in connection with the 2016 presidential race is wrapping up, there are intriguing bits of hidden information emerging. In fact, James Clapper, the director of national intelligence under Barack Obama, has let the cat out of the bag regarding who's really responsible for the entire sordid saga.

James Clapper, President Obama’s director of national intelligence, was defending his boss’s legacy when he responded in a CNN interview to President Trump’s claim that the previous administration did nothing about Russian meddling in U.S. elections.

But in the process, he essentially affirmed Obama is responsible for the claims of Trump-Russia collusion that have roiled Washington for two years but were debunked by special counsel Robert Mueller."

Read the article and see the Clapper video at WND


  1. you don't really think the dems are going to believe this do you

  2. Don't care what dems believe, they're brainwashed.
