Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Dan Patrick - Lt Governor Texas on Crisis at Border

The following is an excerpt from Dan Patrick's e-mail on our southern border crisis--

"Border officials announced last week that our southern border is at a breaking point.
Almost 100,000 people illegally crossed the border this month and Homeland Security believes a million people will cross illegally this year. 12,000 migrants are in custody in El Paso.

To provide perspective, border patrol officers there said this week that 4,000 is extremely high – 6,000 is a crisis and 12,000 is unprecedented.

Nearly a dozen immigration checkpoints along our southern border were closed this week, as hundreds of border patrol agents were pulled from other ports of entry to help in El Paso.  In the Rio Grande Valley, border officials say they have been forced to release undocumented immigrants because of the massive influx.

Incredibly, some left-wing progressives continue to ignore the skyrocketing numbers, calling it a "manufactured crisis," but in Texas, we know the crisis is real."

Continue building the wall President Trump and if need be, close the border.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, there is no real solution to this problem. Many countries have and are going through this, some with better results than others. Think of all the migrants winding up in Italy from Libya, half of whom have drowned already. They get sent to Germany, and perhaps other areas in Europe to be processed. In Pakistan they have refugee camps filled with Afghans who have fled the various wars. The United States is not immune to the world's problems.

    Like the term or not, these people are refugees. More people have to be hired and trained to deal with the problem.
