Saturday, April 27, 2019

Buttigieg on Illegals

Democrat Mayor Pete Buttigieg is looking for a job as his term comes to an end as mayor of South Bend, a city about the size of West Palm Beach. What does Pete want to do?  Run for president and politicize the fact that he is gay. It's like Keith James wanting to run for president except James is not gay but both equally unqualified to be president. Unreal

Earlier this week, Buttigieg told CNN viewers:

"Undocumented immigrants are taxpayers. And the truth is, in many respects, because they are not eligible for a lot of benefits, they are subsidizing the rest of us. Which is just one more reason we've got to get this sorted out."

Not correct, Mayor Buttigieg. Illegal aliens receive $135 billion in taxpayer benefits, but only pay $19 billion in taxes, as columnist Kristen Tate reported in the Congress-focused newspaper, The Hill. That's a net cost to taxpayers of $116 billion per year. That's more than the cost of Pres. Trump's tax cuts! Put another way, for every dollar they pay in taxes, illegal aliens get seven dollars back in taxpayer benefits. And they'll get much more if they become legalized through another amnesty.

The $116 billion in net costs to taxpayers only covers illegal immigration. This doesn't include the cost of previously amnestied immigrants and the relatives qualified through them, visa lottery winners, workers with visas for low-skilled fields like agriculture and seasonal work, or the children born of such immigrants.

America spends about a trillion dollars each year on means-tested social welfare programs. That includes food stamps, reduced school lunches, subsidized housing, cash payments, etc. That doesn't even include health care or social security.... There are 45 million working-age Americans who aren't working. How many of them would be working if we hadn't brought in the 44 million immigrants (legal and illegal) now living in the U.S.? How much of that trillion dollars could we save if wages weren't so low in so many job fields that working adults still qualified for federal assistance?

And what about Social Security? Some people continue to claim that massive immigration can prevent Social Security from going bankrupt... but low-income workers will receive more from Social Security than they pay into it.

$150 billion is sent straight overseas in the form of remittances. That's money that does not circulate in our own country. And the $150 billion is as much as the entire trade deficit with every nation on Earth except China. For all that money, we're not getting cars, or washing machines, or beef. It's simply money lost.

And these are the costs while the economy is doing better than anyone expected it would! What will the costs be when the next recession hits? Another housing crisis? Tens of millions more people on government assistance?  [NumbersUSA]


  1. nothing more disgusting than two men me some kind of phobic if you want I don't care.

  2. How much do we give to Israel? How many Democrat congress / senate members have dual US / Israel citizenship? Sure would be nice to give half of what they get to our gulf war veterans.

  3. I don't care if they're married, that PDA is unnecessary.

  4. He wansts to be the first gay president. i thought we had our first one with obama.
