Thursday, April 25, 2019

Ballots should be in English only

Bilingual ballots “impose an unacceptable cost by degrading the very concept of the citizen to that of someone lost in a country whose public discourse is incomprehensible to him.”

~ John Silber
President Emeritus of Boston University, 1996 testimony to Congress.

1) There is No Justification for Multilingual Ballots and Election Materials
2) Multilingual Ballot Requirements are Arbitrary and Wasteful
3) Multilingual Ballots are an Unfunded Mandate on Local Governments
4) Multilingual Ballots increase the likelihood of Errors and Vote Fraud
5) Multilingual Ballots are a Growing Burden

Go to the ProEnglish website and see their in-depth explanations for the above and why we should not have bilingual ballots.

Florida already decided this issue in 1988:

Florida English as Official Language Amendment (1988)

The English as Florida's Official Language Amendment, on the ballot as Measure 11, was on the 1988 ballot in Florida as an initiated constitutional amendment. Amendment 11 established English as the official state language. It was approved.
Measure 11 was the fifth citizen-initiated proposed amendment to appear on a Florida statewide ballot. It won by 83.87% of the total vote of 3,457,039.

Let's stop making it easier for illegals and help reduce the cost to citizens of Florida.


  1. OMG. How many illegals voted in FL in 2016, Lynn?

  2. There's no telling, anonymous @4:13.
    But the point here is that English is our official language. We should not be coddling those who are here who will not assimilate and learn our language. To become a citizen, they must know English--how to speak it and how to read it.
    Therefore, the cost of printing ballots in foreign languages is wasting $$. "Immigrants" should already know our language if they are citizens.
    GET IT??????????????

  3. Ballots should only be in English. That's a no-brainer! I can't see anything radical about that. If you can't vote if you're not a citizen, they why should this be an issue. Surely, you have to know English to become a citizen, right?
