Thursday, April 11, 2019

AG Barr to Investigate Witch Hunt

Barr Puts Sessions to Shame, Creates Team To Investigate DOJ & FBI’s Anti-Trump Witch Hunt

Democrats are shaking in their boots.

“I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation and trying to get my arms around all the aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of 2016,” Barr said.[Conservative Tribune]


  1. Investigate it. Investigate the hell out of it.

    They'll discover the same thing they discovered after 8 investigations into Benghazi. That procedures were followed and things were done properly.

    The "witch hunt" has produced 34 indictments, 7 guilty pleas and 4 people going to prison.

    So far.

    Bring it on, Trumpsters...Americans are waiting for you.

  2. Glad you're waiting. The truth will come out...also about Benghazi and your gal Hillary, one of the the most corrupt human being alive.
    all the indictments that have been produced by the Mueller team have produced NO collusion or conspiracy on the part of Trump. They went after people for anything that might stick. Papadopulous got 14 days for a lie and it was proved he was set up by the Democrats. pathetic some of it.

  3. This is a stain on America. This cannot be allowed to happen again. Bring it,indeed.

  4. Psst, Lynn. Mueller just indicted Obama's former White House counsel.

    You morons can't have it both ways: 13 angry Deep State Democrats working to subvert the United States "totally exonerate" Trump and indict a member of the Obama White House.

    You do know how stupid and illogical that is, right?

  5. "Stupid?" "Illogical?"
    LOL---all those for whom you love so much are going down.
