Tuesday, March 26, 2019

We voted!

President of ROLO and chair of Save Our Neighborhood PAC, Katie McGiveron. She was the 14th voter at 9am this morning.


  1. wow...I finally found a conservative site in LakeWorth Fl.
    i bought a home 2 years ago in Downtown Jewel Asso. Only met one conservative home owner. I thought about retiring down there from Atl......but the drugs ,crime, and PBSO protection of criminals and Drug adicts has turned me off. This town seems doomed. I followed the elections and I am so dissapointed that 2 nutty liberals are in run off. That tom guy is a joke. He wants to keep "Obama Sober Houses:...that is a joke...no one is helped at those places, only the slum lords getting the fed$$$. Home owners suffer from those houses of horror.Tom has done nothing but have an income from "nonprofits" code for he gets $ for charity, he makes profit. He has not worked for anything, Mom and Gov. is his income. Lake Worth needs to become a real and safe "working" town!

  2. Help Lake Worth, Tom is more of a liberal than Herman!! His income so fart has been Obama "nonprofits"and Mommy. I bought home in downtown Jewel are Lake Worth 2 years ago. Towns needs to NOT allow sober homes. laws need to be enforced....no more drugs...no more prostitution....no more loitering!!If there are not dramatic changes in 2019...my house is up for sale and my tax $$ gone. The tax $ all seen to go to bad things and bad people who do not pay taxes and contribute.

  3. Lake Worth needs effective Neighborhood Asso.'s. Lets start HOME OWNERS/RESIDENT associations!!!! Run slum lords and riff raff out!

  4. All you have to do is look at that picture of Tom: It tells you everything about him. Another one running because he needs the income.

  5. To the person above that is not a picture of Tom it’s a picture of Katie and she is a woman not a man!

  6. That's funny 9:59!
