Saturday, March 9, 2019

Tom Trento at Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County

Mr. Trento has traveled extensively throughout the US and Europe lecturing and exposing Islamic violence and infiltration in government, law enforcement and academic institutions. He is one of the co-authors of Shariah: The Threat To America and appears frequently on major media outlets and talk shows as an authority on Islamic ideology.

He didn't mention this but Globalists and Muslim Brotherhood operatives are penetrating our government. Even Barack Obama appointed John Brennan as CIA Chief who had converted to Islam when he served in Saudi Arabia. Barack Obama was responsible for a lot of the ideological problems we have today with Democrats/socialists/communists that he says are all Marxists.

It was an interesting speech Thursday night on Antisemitism, something that has caused national attention with Muslim Ilhan Omar. He touched on the radical globalist Marxists behind the illegal caravans heading toward our borders with thousands of them entering our country in order to undermine our Republic. It's all planned and the threat is real and growing.

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