Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Old Fool

Bernie Sanders Calls for Stripping of Second Amendment Rights Overnight

I really hate to discriminate about age (I'm up there myself) or use identity politics  but Bernie Sanders has to be the biggest and oldest fool in United States politics in every aspect imaginable.

Democrats politicize everything and now they are using the mass Muslim shooting in New Zealand to start calling for stricter gun control and banning guns again.

We need to carefully watch over our Constitution. Not only is our 1st and 2nd Amendments and Electoral College in jeopardy but our democracy and freedom overall. 


  1. Big deal. Let them make noise. They have for years. They wanted to take away our guns for 8 years under Obama and they didn't. Not going to happen.

    We should be taking advantage of New Zealand to call for more guns and try to make sure that every Muslim in America carries one. That would make gun makers happy and would get even more guns in America so that if there ever was a ban, it would be impossible to enforce.

  2. I often wonder about the sincerity of some people who post here.
    Gun ownership is a right that we have under the Constitution. We don't need to "call for more guns" and we certainly don't have this right to own them in order to make anyone "happy."
    Guns are for the protection of we the citizens and if you want to own one, be of age and pass the background check.
    And STOP allowing criminals to cross our border illegally.

  3. You could hardly take the guns away from the rural population, much less, areas like Northern Michigan and other states, whose very survival depends on guns. Do they need military grade weapons; not so sure on that one?

  4. 10:25 is right. If everyone carried a gun people would be polite to one another because if they weren't...who knows what could happen. But we DO need more guns in order to do this. Not everyone carries a gun so the people who do obviously know that they hold the upper edge. Until every single American carries everywhere they go, the bad guys have an advantage.

    The Constitution says nothing about age or background checks so please stop trying to control gun ownership. If this is a conservative blog, I wish you would start acting like it.

    America was built on God and Guns. If you don't like it, leave.

  5. @2:05--we have LAWS, anonymous. You are exactly the type of person I would not want carrying a gun.
    Are you for a real or just a troll stirring it up?

  6. Yes, we do have laws but they shall not infringe upon our right to defend ourselves. So what part of that is so hard for you to understand? It's in the Constitution. Maybe you should read it sometime. You're sounding like a dimwit lib to me. Who are you to say who carries and who doesn't? I am an American! Keep Making America Great, Trump, so that Lynn here doesn't get a chance to say who gets to exercise their 2A and who doesn't.

  7. Just to be clear, the 2nd Amendment was not written to expressly protect the right to hunt or to shoot a person breaking into your home - I think it is clear that all in that day and age would expect that any same person would support this right....What the 2nd amendment was about when the constitution was written, was about a basic distrust that all people should have for all national governments, and this right would always protect the people's right to own weapons they would need to join a militia should the need arise to rebel against an evil or tyrannical government. This is why it is a crime against America to attempt the ban of assault weapons, because if it came to a revolt, we would need military grade weapons. In the political climate today, conservatives see leftists attempting a coup against a legally elected president---this among the clearest evidence imaginable for conservatives that America has reached a point that militias may not be that far off, and a real rebellion could necessitate owning guns of war. Even leftists reading this blog should see that the division in this country is so great that a Civil War has become a possibility, and that if this was to come to pass, you would want guns, and you would not want the "wrong" government having a gun registration and then going door to door taking guns from the opposite side.

  8. In the mid 1900's America had guns in most households, and no gun problems. Family values were strong, and American culture was strong.
    In the last 2 decades, the destruction of the Family began by forces as diverse as welfare, drugs, and socialism ( inherently anti-family because the state becomes the director of each person's consumption and well being) --and by the sickness of Multiculturalism, which has brought millions into America that do not share our values or respect the lives of other Americans.

    Guns don't kill people - a lack of good culture kills people. Bring back family values and dump multiculturalism - for Assimilation to American culture, and we will no longer have a gun problem.

  9. "the sickness of Multiculturalism"

    Wow, Dan.

    Tell me. How many of America's mass killings are done by these "millions" of people here in America who "do not share our values or respect the lives of other Americans." Or are those the guys that lack the "family values" you speak of?

  10. To anon@5:51pm ...the high murder rates of Chicago, Detroit and other urban cesspools are caused by multiculturalism and the breakdown of the family. Individuals that are sick loners and involved in mass killings do not warrant removing guns from all of America. To suggest otherwise is the meat and potatoes of being a leftist. Enjoy your meal :-)

  11. The survivors of Las Vegas, Parkland, Charleston, Columbine, Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs, Pittsburgh, etc, etc, will be distressed to know that their loved ones deaths don't count in your politically saturated mind, Dan.

    To suggest that gun deaths only "count" when they are done in America's metro areas and not by white guys is the meat and potatoes of being a right winger. Bon appetit.

  12. @9:44--Please respond in your real name. What about it? Too cowardly?

  13. I just want to say here that Dan does not speak for the bulk of the Palm Beach County diving community when it comes to his political views and, specifically, his opinions of what he calls "multiculturalism."

    Most of us enjoy this country's history of tolerance and diversity and it is, in fact, what makes America a special place for the world to admire. Fortunately, those who believe otherwise are the minority and are being more and more marginalized as the motivations for their views are being exposed.

    Americans need to call out that behavior and those words that exhibit the intolerance and the bigotry that has become so popular and emboldened these last two years. It is a disease to the fabric of America that needs to be stopped.

    Thank you.

  14. Dan speaks for himself and under his own name, not for any organization.
    I call out your behavior for chastising him for his freedom of speech. How about that?
    Now you are speaking for what you consider the majority of America. How arrogant can you get?
    Post under your own name or you get zero credibility.

  15. Back to the sickness of the left and Globalism, it is heavily using the emotional framework of environmentalism, to steal away the assets and Industrial power of America in the pursuit if the United Nations stated goal, of a One world Government by 2030. The events of the last 2 years, are baby steps in this movement. - this is a short article that explains and documents the threat to America..and to Russia ( the only other nationalistic and Anti globalist force in the world today) ...and here is a direct link to the UN communist manifesto itself...which they refer to disingenuously as " Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development "' ;

    You can't make stuff like this up. A lying American News media is helping to drive democrats into falsely believing that Trump is destroying the environment...when the reality is that Trump is the only hope America has to prevent America from being taken over and for our children to be members of a global peasant class...a proletariat. This sounds so crazy it is hard to you really do need to follow the links..and see for yourself.

    America must be saved from the level of each neighborhood and town....Towns can drive counties and states. This is why blogs like this are worth getting your friends involved with.

  16. Per your request, Lynn, my name is Jan Strickletter. By the power of Lynn Anderson and Dan Volker, I now have credibility.


    You Trumpsters are hilarious.

  17. still do NOT have credibility. Get a Google account or something where one can verify who you are. Thanks so much. You are "hilarious."

  18. Do you need to see my drivers license, Lynn? Maybe my birth certificate? Then I can comment on your loony blog? You're such a lumbering dork.

    "Get a Google Account and you'll have credibility" are the words of a 70-something dinosaur who still has difficulty working a flip phone.

  19. I don't need to see you at all, anonymous at 11:00pm. You are a rude, left-wing sheep.
    Yeah, and I'm not the least bit tech savvy--that's why I do a blog for ignorant people such as yourself to come over and make utter fools of themselves. If that was your goal, you convinced all of us.


  20. Lynn, there is some very easy to install software for your blog, that would have all persons desiring to COMMENT, log in with their Facebook account, and this is so rapid as to be a non-issue to most. You could still allow them to use a screen name, but the blog system would know that each person commenting is a real person. Any defaming, or posting destructive to the community of your blog, would allow simple identification of who did this, and could allow an immediate warning, or allow you to ban this person for a week, month, or for life is the bad behavior warranted this. It looks like you have a small number of internet TROLLS on your blog, and these are absolutely destructive to everything you are trying to accomplish with the blog...and they are absolutely destructive to the good the blog can do for Lake Worth. I can give you the number of a programmer that could add this to your site easily. Hell, I might even pay for it, as much as I detest trolls and their very existence.
