Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The Democrats are Losers

It is always stunning when Democrats open their mouths and talk about justice and the American way and the other silly things they bring up. For the next two years, Congressional committees headed by Democrats will be doing exhaustive investigations into our President's financials as well as his family. Gosh, even Barron could be on the list. That is how desperate they are to defeat the President in 2020 and/or impeach him by spending millions of resources to get something that will stick in order to discredit our elected president.

But another desperation is their desire to amend our Constitution to abolish the Electoral College. This is where Hillary lost her butt and they won't get over her losing to someone who wants to Drain the Swamp and Make America Great. Their plan is to neuter the electoral college and turn the election of our presidents over to a simple majority vote. That would mean, essentially, that the dysfunctional states of California and New York would elect our President and the rest of us be damned. Think of that--Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo as the new leaders of our Republic.

The Framers of our Constitution got it right in 1787 and disgruntled Democrats need to understand that this would lead to the dissolution of the United States if they get their way. I don't think they care--it's all about power; it's all about winning.


  1. Lynn, relax, Trump did nothing wrong, right? He's the greatest President ever in the history of the world and is a lovely human being that should be loved and worshiped by everyone. Laugh, enjoy the fact that you're owning the libs every day and that your man is never going to rot in prison.

  2. Too damn many blue in Florida

  3. Pretend human "anonymous" decides to weigh in on this issue, and of course, is not capable of posting about the issue when it get's right down to it...Instead, the pretender makes cheap shots at President Trump, which is always an "easy play" for an intellectually challenged liberal that is too lazy to actually "process" the current news and comment about it. How about processing the issue now, and discussing what your "expanded consciousness" thinks about "Why the Electoral College was created" AND "How could America be better or worse", without it?

  4. In 2012, Trump called the electoral college "a disaster for democracy."

    In 2018, Trump again stated that he would okay with doing away with the electoral college.

  5. Dan....honestly you want people to seriously respond to a post that states that getting rid of the electoral college would "lead to the dissolution of the United States" and states that Barron Trump could be under investigation...all the while demonizing Democrats for whispering about something that Trump has openly discussed for years?

  6. So, please, save me the lecture about trying to offer up an opinion that may differ from the one Lynn holds. Until you've spent the time and energy writing one only to never see it appear do you understand my responses.

  7. @1:49...Trump has become more politically astute now that he is president of the United States.
    As far as saying that they might investigate Barron Grump next, that was tongue in cheek. You really aren't that stupid. Are you?
