Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Absurdity of it all

I always get a kick out of this sort of many "parties" in downtown Lake much silly stuff...floffing and gay parades where people act ridiculous and everyone thinks it's fun or funny. You would never know that we have slum, blight, crime and illegals. We're good at sweeping that under the rug. That is a big part of the problem here and in the country in general.

The other huge problem in our country is that of "racism" rekindled under Obama that was steadily disappearing in our society. Eric Holder, who says "America was never great," and other Democrats, continue to use racism to further separate our citizens. Ever since the Obama administration, we have had a big divide in racial relations and sanity.

Today, we even have Democrat candidates for 2020 apologizing for being White furthering the racism. It is absurd--blowing bubbles.


  1. Pretty sure you are going to get criticized for this comment but I totally agree with you. Bunch of clueless goofy people playing childish games. Hard to watch when you have class. LWB is full of these dimwits and that is why we continue to be laughed at.

  2. There's something very symbolic about giant bubbles in Lake Worth but I just can't put my finger on it!

  3. It's amusing to see the Democrats imploding from their own ridiculous policies.

  4. not going to critize 8-58 in fact agree.just called publix for their parking being taken over by people handing out flags and not AMERICAN flags.manager said they didn't know about this farce and neither did I till I got there.thinking of starting a straight parade and see if the city will shut down streets for that.go for the gold ring PRESIDENT TRUMP

  5. 11.00 is the reason we have so many problems

  6. These festivals every other week are just another way of saying: "Let Them Eat Cake" or, you could say" "Give me your Tired your Poor", meaningless tropes that the demoralized public flock to, as a way of forgetting their troubles for a day.

    As a citizen of this great metropolis, I'd like to see the income and expense statement that shows that for all this extra police protection and additional cleanup, we are actually making a profit!

  7. you mean these parades get police service then where is the police when someone is painting walls or stealing wallets or bikes.

  8. there are a lot of us that DID NOT vote for the ass holes of the past. have been on the republican train for a long time and will ride it to the end.GO TRUMP

  9. And then we get the Freakfest of all! God help us!
