Saturday, March 2, 2019

Support your Local Sheriff

Local Sheriff Explodes on Dem Lawmakers: ‘We Will Not Comply’ with Restrictive Gun Laws

This is what happens when Democrats are in control--they make stupid laws even going against the Constitution.

"The Democrat-controlled Maryland state legislature is attempting to pass into law a number of gun control measures that would strictly limit and restrict the Second Amendment-protected gun rights of law-abiding citizens in the state, but at least one county sheriff will have none of that on his watch."

Read about it... and Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis.

1 comment:

  1. One reason why there are state legislatures and courts is to prevent one man from deciding what is best for everyone.

    Let the sheriff do what he wants to do and let the courts take their actions. Hopefully, the sheriff that replaces him after he's tossed out of office, Republican or Democrat, will be one who respects America's system of government.
