Friday, March 15, 2019

SPLC - The Hate Group

SPLC says this is a hate sign

Southern Poverty Law Center is a "hate" group

Conservatives have known this for years. No matter who they fire there, they are still a dangerous hate group. For years, the dishonest SPLC has "falsely labeled and smeared its political opponents as ‘hate’ groups in an effort to marginalize them and the work they do.” The Southern Poverty Law Center has turned labeling conservative organizations as "hate groups" into a "cash cow." 

SPLC just fired its 81 year old founder who hasn't been active in a decade and some on their hate list are fighting their being labeled "haters" with law suits.

"Not only has the group, backed by George Soros, "pulled in hundreds of millions of  dollars by ruining others' reputations, they've convinced social media to use their casual smears as official black lists." [WND]

It's been estimated that there are 202 Islamic terrorist groups operating inside the U.S. and not one has made their list such as ISIS, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.

SPCL loves to "hate" especially any Christian religious group. If you love God or take any conservative stand on anything, you get included on their list of "hate."They even have included United West of Lake Worth that defends Christianity, Israel and is against Sharia.

SPCL's Hate Map


  1. New Zealand, Lynn. Write about New Zealand the hate that motivated that attack and how America's right wing was mentioned in the killer's manifesto.

    Write about it, Lynn.

    And let's have a discussion about hate.

  2. San Bernardino=hate

  3. 9:16 sounds gleeful over this tragedy to finally have something to use against this blog. That's just hatefull. The MSM will enjoy it too. Hate mongers that they are. Bias news just glosses over or ignores our own pain.

  4. "Yeah, there's hate all over the place..."

    I wouldn't disagree with that statement but it's weird you only tend to mention it and highlight it when it comes from one side, Lynn.

  5. What's weird about it, anonymous @12:21? This is a conservative blog. Do you want me to become a left-Wing progressive wacko blog? Would that make you happy?

  6. 9.16 you are part of the hate here.why don't you get your head out of your ass and pray for these people and let the officials handle are not cnn but just as bad.this could have happened to any of us that go to church on sunday and I pray it doesn' would be nice to set aside one day at a certain time and everybody pray for peace what ever their belief is.i know someone will hear us

  7. 12:21 can see MSNBC for the news HER way.
