Thursday, March 28, 2019

Smokable Marijuana hits Lake Worth

Smokable medical marijuana is hitting the shelves at local dispensaries.

A small jar costs from $37 to $57. The new law limits patients to 2½ ounces of marijuana per 35 days. Patients take it home and roll their own cigarettes with it. This smokable form is a new way to get it in Florida, besides vapes and oils.

Read more about it...

Soon we will see some real zombies walking around town.


  1. You said it. Ever since they brought back alcohol America has been on the decline.

  2. Yeah, Henry, with your fake anonymous name.

  3. The unfortunate part is that this is what people want to do with their lives. If I were this unhappy, I think I would try to climb Mt. Everest or something. The sense of abject failure that must accompany this urge to cloud reality. Really, it's very sad. What's even sadder, is that we are all subject to the aberrant behavior that will be exhibited all around us now. As if things weren't bad enough.

  4. Bar tender could I get a double?

  5. "Henry" pothead who can no longer function.

  6. I don't know why everyone is so upset.i am not for pot but those who are have been smoking it all can smell it in neighborhoods and in passing cars.i really think that we should spend a little more time helping the teens and parents who are ending their lives because of the violent ways their children and classmates have died.the pot is not going away but these people could use our prayers

  7. The very people who wouldn't rest until they eradicated cigarettes from every public venue, are now encouraging everyone to use marijuana.There better not ever be anyone lighting up near where I am sitting.

  8. This is not your 70's pot. THC levels are extremely high now. Some young people can be permanently damaged by psychotic episodes. Young people are not being told the true dangers of smoking todays pot.

  9. The real issue before the town needs to be no Public intoxication related regulations and enforcement....It is one thing to smoke or use edible marijuana in a is quite another to be smoking and getting high on the street in town, or the park. We have open container laws for the no alcohol can be consumed in them legally - why not do the equivalent for pot?

  10. How about not even going where we have to police every pothead, they're going to be out in the community having psycho breakdowns harming innocent citizens no matter what.

  11. Pot: the cure for everything except stupidity.

  12. Aah 10:57; you're on to something. Maybe you should let the (NIH) in on this.
