Sunday, March 24, 2019

Quote of the Day - Alan Dershowitz

"The fairest would be to immediately turn the report over to President Trump’s legal team and give them a week to write a response. Barr could then issue both reports simultaneously so that the American public could judge the comparative merits of both sides of this adversarial process."

He also noted that the report is likely to be one-sided--

“This is because prosecutorial reports – and Special Counsel Mueller is a prosecutor – are, by their very nature, one-sided. Prosecutors only listen to inculpatory evidence rather than including exculpatory evidence. They interview witnesses against the subject, but not witnesses in favor of the subject. That is why the Trump legal defense team needs to provide its assessment of the Mueller investigation.”

~ Alan Dershowitz
Harvard law professor and political liberal


  1. Democrats will never let this go

  2. Instead of apologizing to the President and the country for pushing this extralegal investigation that has been the focus of the "news" for the past 2 years and has cost us taxpayers over $25 million for the overpaid Democrat lawyers who have pushed this travesty, Democrats are planning further intrusive investigations into our very successful President.

  3. kristin Gillibrand ,successor of Hillary Clinton ,has no platform for the progress of American like the most briliant , successful President in history of the USA,TRUMP, simpleton Gillibrand thinks with:
    attack TRUMp,attack TRUMP,attack TRUMP,attack TRUMP, slanders, smear TRUMP ,crreates millions of jobs which restored dignity
    to American working families. like President TRUMP's, Platform Agenda,put bread on the tables of American families.
    Stupid Gillibrand demand that over 300,000,000 American give her the Presidency,for her worthless NO PLATFORM FOR THE PROGRESS OF AMERICA WORKING FAMILIES.STOP YOUR useless,phony Candidacy.
    Hillibrand stop your waste of mn=oney needed for homeless American Veterans, your baby-murdering Democrats give to the illegal criminal alien INVADERS,who occupy,like the NAZIS illegally criminally SOVEREIGN AMERICAN SOIL!GILLIBRAND DO YOU KNOW WHAT SOVEREIGN RIGHTS OF A NATION ARE???GET LOST IDIOT! Candidacy!
