Monday, March 18, 2019

Priest at Sacred Heart accused of Sexual Crime

Catholic priest charged with drugging, raping woman

Well, this is really something...alleged crime against a woman instead of a little boy by a Catholic priest. Luckily, it is not Sacred Heart in Lake Worth.

Read about it...


  1. Another fake fraud Hatian priest it looks like! Like the ones at SH in LW. One or both in LW are likely gay anyway, another parishioner said his friend told him that he has seen one of the priests lurking in the bushes in Bryant Park cruising for gay hookups. Nothing is a surprise anymore with priests, especially for all the foreign ones from Haiti and Latin America. Most are here just to escape and have a better life in the USA to escape poverty and the problems in their homelands. What is bothersome about the Haitian priests here in LW is they are fake, phony, and the one drives an expensive SUV like $42K. Priests should be humble and not live likes kings like these two guys do, and these priests aren't living like Jesus. They are rich wannabees and live like royalty with maids, and chefs, and make almost $50K a year, Priests are paid well in PBD. It won't be a surprise some day if it is the priests from SH in LW being arrested!

  2. 7.00 is one of those people who hears a rumor from someone with no name and runs with it.if there is any possibility of ot being true it should be brought up to the bishop.if you cant say who said it than don't you say.till then its fake news

  3. @11:08. It is very inflammatory but it is an opinion
