Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Not too late to call!!! Anti-Sanctuary City Legislation

Help Pass Florida State Anti-Sanctuary Legislation
Dear Florida activist,
The Florida State Senate's Infrastructure and Security Committee will hold a hearing Tuesday, March 12th on SB 168, a bill that would prohibit illegal-alien sanctuary practices and ensure that criminal aliens are not released into local communities. Please help by calling Committee members in support of the legislation. Talking points are included below.

Calling Committee Members
Please call the Senators below using these talking points:
"Please vote YES on SB 168. It ensures that localities do not return criminal aliens onto Florida's streets to prey on the community. Do not listen to the bill's loud opponents who turn a blind eye to the public safety threats posed by sanctuary policies."

Sen. Tom Lee (Chair) (850) 487-5020
Sen. Keith Perry (Vice Chair) (850) 487-5008
Sen. Aaron Bean (850) 487-5004
Sen. Ed Hooper (850) 487-5016
Sen. Janet Cruz (850) 487-5018
Sen. Travis Hutson (850) 487-5007
Sen. Linda Stewart (850) 487-5013
Sen. Annette Taddeo (850) 487-5040
Thanks!! Numbers USA

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