Monday, March 25, 2019

No Collusion--Trump Triumphs

Liberal weenies are crying and still looking for conspiracies under every rock. They decided to destroy this president with every lie imaginable over the past two plus years. They hurt our country. "Attorney General William Barr demonstrated he is determined to go by the law, not bend to the winds of politics" but the Democrats still will not quit.

Read the AG Letter


  1. So the Deep State and 13 Angry Democrats couldn't convince Mueller to make things up. Doggone it. Maybe next time.

  2. This should NEVER NEVER happen to another Presidential candidate OR another President. The perps who thought they knew better than United States voters need to go to jail for the rest of their lives. Along with the media who forgot to be Journalists and became another branch of the Democratic party. The media allowed,happily allowed, themselves to be used like a Broadway hookers Vajayjay.
