Sunday, March 17, 2019

Marco Rubio Protest


Senator Marco Rubio voted against President Trump on the emergency declaration at our southern border.

On Monday, March 18, there will be a protest at his offices located at 4580 PGA Blvd. Suite 201 from 4 to 6pm regarding his recent vote.

Sometimes our elected officials need to look at the bigger picture.  Marco didn't.
Sen. Marco Rubio's vote to terminate the president's emergency declaration also terminates his political career, at least for me and my family. What is much worse, the blood and misery of victims of illegal aliens will be on his hands. I guess he got his revenge for being beaten by President Trump during the last presidential election cycle. Shame on him. He may think it will be forgotten by the time he runs for re-election; think again, Rubio.
Janusz Muszak, Rockledge


  1. Rubio has been an advocate of illegal immigration for years. Even back i n his Florida legislative days he lied to a FLIMEN delegation and single handedly made sure that E-verify did not make it to the floor for a vote.This jerk needs to go. They need to hold the rally at his office on a weekend when people can actually attend.

  2. With a name like Janusz Muszak, it takes a lot of guts to talk about immigrants. Your people have been killing one another for years. Why don't you go back to the old country and see if you can make things better for your own people; you who know so much about immigration. So we're supposed to believe you're a better American than someone from a Spanish speaking country.

  3. thought Rubio was a little jerk from the begening

  4. 12:56-If all of the illegal Spanish dregs took your advice to Janusz, we wouldn't have the situation in Venezuela or the mass migration from South and Central American $hit holes.

  5. Fact Check:
    RINO: RUBIO wants open dangerous borders, denying safety, security, SOVEREIGNTY,
    for all 300,000,000 Americans with a $5.7 billion History of this crook,anti-America subversive of the American Presidency,

    has a sister , whose husband smuggled $15,000,000 cocaine through America's dangerous open borders, jailed, then after one year was released with abuse of the Power of his and GANG OF 8, Senate seat, crooked dishonest Marco Rubio

    so he Rubio family could enjoy the Americans killing blood money from his brother-in-Law's cocaine,$15,000,000 smuggled into the OPEN BORDER. Same CROOK RUBIO, promoted with sleazy RINO Paul RYAN for Amnesty for all criminal illegal aliens,(fact check!).Trash this sleaze who obsessed over men with small hands(YAK)(sign of good breeding,he does not know,field workers have broad hands?)
