Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Marco Rubio Demonstration at his offices in Palm Beach Gardens

As reported to me by a member of the REC who also sent these photos, 55+ enthusiastic people showed up for the demonstration yesterday in front of Senator Marco Rubio's offices on PGA Blvd.

The House and Senate voted to block Trump's National Emergency Declaration at our southern border. Sen. Marco Rubio was one of the twelve Republicans who voted against the president. President Trump issued a presidential veto. Both houses do not have the vote to override Trump.

For Democrats, it's not about keeping our country safe. Democrats don't care about that. You can witness that in everything they do of late. They just want to stop Trump. They will fight this all the way to the Supreme Court and cause more division.

Not only is there a crisis at our border but there is a massive national emergency when Democrats work against our country and American citizens. A million people have crossed our border this year, supported by globalists and open border Democrats, who are hell bent on saturating our country with criminals and drugs. Close the loopholes and build the wall.


  1. As you show in this post, this is not just a Democrat problem. We have to start calling out the Republicans who refuse to go along with Trump. This is why protests like this are so important. It shows everyone that Republicans are also part of the problem. The only people who actually understand what's going on are the ones who agree with Trump!

  2. These Republicans understand it perfectly well but their vote against was on a different plane. What they don't get is that a Democrat president will use this Act no matter what for anything he/she considers a national emergency. They should have voted with the president and their party as it was a wasted NO vote. All it did was make things harder for the President. Not a good political move or good for the country.

  3. I won't ever vote for Marco again, I hope he loses his next race for senate. he is a hypocrite and copout of a senator. He should be voting for our security. Instead he sides with all the liberal Latinos as he is worried about them not voting for him. HE is a huge disappointment for us in FL!
