Friday, March 1, 2019

Lake Worth Herald Endorsements

The Lake Worth Herald endorsements and my commentary:

Cathy Turk

The Herald believes that Omari Hardy has brought partisan politics to Lake Worth and shows no respect for his colleagues.

I say that Omari Hardy has not been intimidated by this dais (even though he has been treated with contempt at times) or the city manager and has brought discussion forward to which they all object. He's a free thinker and he keeps the rest of these commissioners in check that all want a rubber stamp for staff. If that is showing "no respect for his colleagues," then so be it.  I contend that he is the ONLY commissioner who does his homework and research. I like him on local issues for the most part but disagree with him in totality on his national politics. Although politics does begin at the local level, this is a non-partisan race and everyone has discounted that ever since Scott Maxwell changed the dynamic years ago. No one knows anything about Cathy Turk other than she is a mother, a business owner and was on a city board. She could make a very good commissioner.

The LW Herald endorses no one. Says Robinson has brought "nothing to the dais but partisan politics" and the other two main challengers carry some "heavy baggage."

I say, from time to time, Herman does bring in national issues but those times are rare. The mayor just has to use her gavel if appropriate. I guess the Herald thinks that they all suck. What's the "baggage?"  Name it. I endorse Richard Guercio for all the reasons I have mentioned in the past. Intellect, knowledge and for the most part, right on the issues facing our city--He will stand up to the city manager and not be jerked around by any other official on the dais.


  1. Cathy Turk seems like a sweet woman. Sweet doesn't cut it. We need someone who will stand up for the people. I think Omari does that. He does need to limit his commentary which is my only complaint.

  2. He's a socialist and wants more affordable housing. We have enough of it. He wanted the ID for the aliens here.

  3. we know what Omari is and isn't "Socialist".you keep saying you don't know anything about Cathy.have you ever talked to her one on one.i think we should try to know these people better.not just make up our minds because we heard a rumor or because of who supports them.look where Richards banner is.i don't like that but I look at the person they don't all turn out to be puppets

  4. Andy Amoroso brought forth the ID for illegals using the excuse of the 2020 Census. Everyone on the dais voted for it other than Scott Maxwell. The mayor had left the room and was not there for the vote. During his commentary it was difficult to discern which way he would vote.

  5. @8:16--NO--Cathy should be reaching out---she is the one running for election, not me, and believes she is better than what we have. We all would like to know where she stands. I still don't know.
    I have not heard during one debate/forum why she believes she is better.

  6. You supported Ryan Hartman. Your word is mud.

  7. YUP, that was a big mistake. He never was vetted well by those I trusted. But now I see Maxwell in action and don't like some of those shenanigans. You do your best and my "word is only mud" to people like you.

  8. Lynn is entitled to her opinion 9am. You are rude.

  9. WTF? The Lake Worth Herald says they endorse no one in district 4 but then go on to endorse Richard Guercio. I endorse Guercio also. I endorse Omari Hardy. So if you disagree with the sacred three(Triolo,Amoroso and Maxwell) that is a bad thing? Quite frankly anybody questioning the terrible trio has my vote.Cathy Turk? Who in the heck is she? Besides,we have more than enough female hysterics with Mayor Triolo. Pass the Midol. And MOST importantly-the Lake Worth Herald still exists?

  10. @10:29--sorry for any confusion...that was MY endorsement of Guercio, not the herald's.

  11. Herman lost me when he endorsed gun control and ID's for the illegals. You can see what happens when you start with gun control:

  12. Kathy Turk has no resume, and no information on her business. I would guess that like many who run for office here, they just need the money.

  13. Omari does not shut up but he is highly intelligent. I guess he wants to beat his head against that brick wall for 3 more years.

  14. I guess you could actually be too intelligent for that job!

  15. @4:32...interesting comment. Hopefully, we get all intelligent people working for us, their bosses.
