Thursday, March 21, 2019

Judge Jeanine and Donna Brazile

Terror-tied group presses Fox News to fire Judge Jeanine as Fox hires Donna Brazile

"The Judge is one of the most beloved personalities at the Fox News Channel, not to mention one of the most controversial.

Now, a well-known terror-tied group in America is pushing hard for the network to give Judge Jeanine Pirro the complete boot."

And nothing would surprise me about Fox these days. They continue to hire left wing commentators and recently hired another controversial figure, Donna Brazile. She was the Interim Chair of the DNC and served on many Democrat campaigns. It was proved through Wikileaks that she fed some of the debate questions to Hillary Clinton in October 2016. She denied it but intelligence sources confirmed it. Now FOX hosts have to coddle her.

Read about the HATE Group trying to get Judge Jeanine fired. Has Fox lost its mind?


  1. Jeanine is Lebanese, probably Christian. The Lebanese Christians hate the Muslims, and that goes back probably for many centuries. She should not have her personal feelings impact her ability to conduct herself in an appropriate manner on TV. The air waves don't belong to her. She should have her own blog like you do, and then she can say whatever she wants.

  2. Fox is done. There is no where left to get our news any more. Don't trust anything except the things your friends send you. Everyone is the Deep State and they are all trying to remove Trump. The only one we can listen to now is Trump. He is The Truth.

  3. It was her show and she brought up a valid point. Why shoudn't she be allowed to do that? What she asked was appropriate in every respect unless you are a Muslim and believe in Sharia law instead of the Constitution of the U.S. Lately, I think most Democrats have a problem with our Constitution, a problem with losing an election and liberals blasting anyone defending our democracy. Fox was ridiculous listening to a hate group like CAIR and suspending the Judge.

  4. Because it's incendiary speech, like shouting fire in a crowded theatre. In addition to that, the reason the Lebanese Christians hate the Muslims has nothing to do with the present situation. I think the Congresswoman was wrong to voice such sentiments; however, Jeanine's firestorm does nothing to help the situation. This tit for tat that we are all engaging in is not the answer to our problems. Maybe there is no answer, but at that point, it's total war. I don't look forward to that day.

    Also, it's not really her show. Now, if you said that about Rush, you would have a point, but Jeanine is an employee of FOX.

  5. @5:06. Her show is OPINION. She shouldn't have to get Fox's permission to give her opinion. It was NOT incendiary as you state. “Sharia is a totalitarian societal structure and legal corpus that anti-American radicals seek to impose.”

  6. Well, I guess FOX got tired of her opinion. As I said: she is an employee, and they can get rid of her if they want to. Personally, I couldn't care less.

  7. "Lebanese Christians hate the Muslims" her, I wonder why? EVIL should be hated.
