Thursday, March 21, 2019

Holy crap--A man was stabbed in the face in Lake Worth (Beach)

The Palm Beach Post hasn't caught on yet to the name change. One of the main reasons for voting for the change, so the city told us, was so that crimes committed outside of Lake Worth would not be attributed to the city.

Well, this one is IN the city limits--

LAKE WORTH — While having a beer the evening of Jan. 17 at a Lake Worth restaurant, Ronal Galindo was repeatedly stabbed in the face by a stranger sitting at the table next to him. The knife wielding idiot was finally arrested two months after the crime. Of course, he committed it when we were still Lake Worth and not Lake Worth (Beach).



  1. If someone looks like a member of the ms 13 gang, you probably should stereotype them as such, and behave accordingly. This also means NOT going to restaurants where people like this hang out.

  2. Right! Profiling is a good way not to get hurt.

  3. Even the most liberal snowflake "stereotypes" dozens of times each could not operate in the world if you had to learn everything from scratch, with each new encounter.

    When you call it profiling, you are going with a negative aspect of an extreme form when used for government or policing related purposes....I am not a fan of pure profiling....but when a moron in the TSA at an airport decides they MUST search a 90 year old grandmother, because not to do so would be profiling...then I have to call BS to the poltical correctness nonsense of the word.

  4. And again, if you need to post anonymously, YOU really don't have an opinion, because you are afraid to be a real person.

  5. The problem with the 90 year old grandmother is that it could be a decoy. Judgement is an essential ingredient in making these decisions, and experience is the best teacher.

  6. Maybe the anon poster is a discreet person who is not show boating his superior intelligence, it takes all kinds. Profiling is just another word for street smart, better safe than sorry.

  7. Experience is Stereotyping for decades...and getting extremely good at guessing what any outcome will be well as using cues from the way a person dresses, the way they walk, the way they talk, and every other behavioral cue fitting together -- to make the profile fit what is most likely the reality. Profiling and stereotyping is what prevents many of us from going to several of the seedier bars on Dixie....some have had MANY murders, and the clientele are the type smart people do not mix with. Even if you were Chuck Norris, or "The Mountain" from Game of is not smart to sit next to a bunch of gang members with guns and knives and no respect for life. I guarantee you that both of these guys would stereotype/profile when they go out at night.

  8. This thread is a perfect example of how Political Correctness is destructive to culture, to social well being, and to intelligence. If you were to use the words "Profiling" or "Stereotyping" to 10 people at random in Lake Worth Beach, it is very possible that half of these people would make a rapid conclusion that whoever doing this was wrong to do so ( even though what they just did was in fact, stereotyping! ). The other half would attempt to use the information to make better conclusions in the future - this smarter half being the half that understands that the message is what is important, not whether someone's feelings may be hurt by it.

  9. 7-59 loves to type saying mostly nothing.he should go anyon for the half of us that vote and don't know what he is saying.

  10. @6:26--gutless wonder that you are.

  11. I am thinking that anon@6:26 might be better off watching TV than trying to read a blog or an article. I think this anon would appreciate the simpler 6th grade comprehension level of TV News, with the nice announcer explaining what everything means. Lake Worth happens to have plenty of smart people, and pretty much all of them will have zero difficulty in reading and discussing ANYTHING I have written about in any of my posts on this blog. Back to the point of most of the posts in this thread - Political Correctness is a real problem, even in Lake Worth.
    What you can't say - could get someone killed. This is pretty sick.

  12. Dan, you're taking up too much room, and much of what you say is repetitive. Your opinion isn't worth more than any other opinion, just because you identify yourself. Nobody cares who you are. It's a blog, not an editorial in the newspaper. I was just reading the "Economist", ever hear of it? Not one of the articles was attributed to an author. That bothered me. But in a neighborhood blog, the purpose is more to give your opinion, or blow off steam. It's not a computer learning center.

  13. The more opinions you hear, the more some seem valuable, and some seem worthless. They are not equal. And an anonymous opinion is worthless, more often than not. In any event, it will be easy for you to avoid reading any of my posts - as my name is on them. Too bad there is no way to recognize one of the few good anonymous posters from the others. Would it really hurt you to use your real name?
