Wednesday, March 20, 2019

CNN Sucks - Comparing Trump to Hitler

CNN Compares Trump to…You Guessed It…Adolph Hitler

Democrats wonder why they are so hated now. They are all part of a Hate Cult right along with the fake news media. They believe it's cute to personally attack the president and all conservatives--they believe the lies. It's not good enough for them just to call us "racists" anymore...they have gone a step into the dark bottomless chasm of evil.

The President gave a great speech at CPAC (which was terrific) and the Democrats went off the charts with hate comparing our president to the most evil man who ever lived. As Alan Dershowitz said, "Anybody Who Compares Donald Trump to Hitler is a 'Holocaust Denier'."

“Everybody is compared to Hitler. Everybody is compared to the Holocaust. Israel defending itself against Gaza rockets—oh, they’re Nazis. Anybody who compares Trump or anybody else to Hitler essentially is a Holocaust denier because what they’re saying [is], 'well, there were no gas chambers, there was no Auschwitz, there was no plan to kill six million Jews.' They minimize it,” the professor said. “To say that anything that happened since then is comparable to the Holocaust and certainly to compare the American political system to anything that happened in the Holocaust is just outrageous.”

Read about it...and the "get even" fake news CNN. Politics is very slimy in the United States and the slime balls are pushing the button.


  1. I remember when conservatives compared Obama to Hitler.

    I remember hot outraged Republicans were back then, too!


  2. Didn't Nickelodian,the kids channel,consistently beat CNN in the ratings?
