Saturday, March 16, 2019

Beto the Bozo

Beto Hints Trump ‘Leadership’ Might Be to Blame for Anti-Muslim Attack in New Zealand

We all knew that the Democrats would end up blaming Trump for this horrible tragedy that happened on the other side of the world.  It took them all of about 2 seconds to jump on their Trump Derangement Syndrome bandwagon. After all, they have NO platform to run on other than to destroy the country and ultimately the world.

Friday, while campaigning in Iowa, Beto O’Rourke couldn't wait to interject an attack against our president, He used the shooting tragedy in New Zealand to ostensibly point his finger at Donald Trump. And boy did he ever point, and point and point and flail.

Read about it...


  1. "Beto" is psycho to suggest this, but we know this from his murder fantasy writings.

  2. Beto is most famous for losing to Cruz, thankfully.

  3. Bozo and Ocasio must have gone to the same school of body language where they learned to flail their arms to distract from the emptiness of their plans.
