Thursday, February 21, 2019

West Palm Beach didn't want it...

but a city in Alabama did.

West Palm Beach, a "welcoming city," rid themselves of history in 2017 by removing a Confederate memorial. It was among the cities that was insulated by political correctness to get rid of Confederate history. At the time, West Palm Beach Mayor Jeri Muoio said that she strongly believed it was a symbol of hate and bigotry although it had been there for 66 years with NO problems.

In 1941, the monument was dedicated by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. In 2017, it was targeted by vandals in West Palm Beach who spray painted it using words such as “NAZI,” “KKK” and “ANTIFA.” The punks came out using "racism" as an excuse for their criminal actions and city governments accepted the excuse by tearing down, removing or destroying historical monuments.

Alabama passed a law in 2017 prohibiting altogether, the removal or alteration of public Confederate monuments. So it has reached "home" in a city that wants and finds it important to remember those Americans who died back in 1861.

Read about it...


  1. Alabama is the correct place for it, along with Roy Moore.

    Alabama or Mississippi should be the repository for all this memorabilia. They are the only states that continue to honor the cultural traditions of that era, even today. In fact, they could build a healthy tourist industry out of the Americans who continue to live in those times, if only in their minds and under their red hats.

  2. Has nothing to do with continuance of "living in those times" or under our MAGA hats. It is history and this war has been over for over 150 years. You all love to live in the past hate of yesteryear or the present hate of race. You have nothing else to do but continue the BS. No platform--just racism and fake news.
    You guys have the market on both.

  3. History can be ugly. But we need to learn about our history. ALL of it. Or we are doomed to repeat it.Defacing and denying history is ignorant.

  4. 12:37 Roy Moore? Is that all you have? A fast girl goes on a date with a young man 60 years ago and he tried to kiss her? Hysteria. Those punk vandals have no idea of Nazism or history, having learned nothing in our schools.

  5. 12.37 doesn't want to live in the past but wants to live in a historic city.go figure

  6. One thing I have learned from reading the letters of Thomas Jefferson,and John Adams: Americans were always ignorant, and from what I have observed, they aren't getting any better. What amazes me, is how they persevered, working tirelessly to turn this ragtag bunch into citizens of a great nation. Nothing has changed!

  7. @6:42...not a good opinion of America and its citizens. In the beginning of our great republic, everyone had a common goal--making America the greatest country on Earth. There were only 5.3 million people in our country when Jefferson became president. Now we have so many people (320 million) living here who have no love of country, just themselves.

  8. You're wrong about that Lynn! Many were loyal to the King, and 10,000 tried to drag G.W. out of his house in Philadelphia on Market Street. Our history has been whitewashed from the very beginning.

  9. Lynn Anderson, historian and sociologist!

    Jesus, Lynn, stick to moonbat conspiracy theories and race-baiting posts. Your level of ignorance is frightening.

  10. @7:28. My opinion. And guess what? I will "stick" to subjects for which I have an opinion. We now have read yours also at 7:27 above. I realize that liberals can't stand anyone with a different one. It's really too bad you have such a small regard for our country. Our history is what it is. Jussie just set back race relations another decade or so as well as the entire media who fell into the hoax wanting to believe the worst in people.
    @7:27--same person as 7:28--the revolutionary War was started by British soldiers. There were a few spies in our country but there are always spies or those into their own agenda, right? James Comey, Andrew McCabe, your gal Hillary. LOL.
    So, if you want to come here, let's not get into the name calling of this blogger as an anonymous poster. Oh, but I forgot, you don't read or comprehend policy here. Too ignorant or just too arrogant? Which? Both?

  11. All negative writers about America are not prevented from getting a One-Way ticket out of this Country, resentful of greatest Economic growth
    witness its' greatest status,, most successful globally envied, respected Country, (RE>: Remains of 67 year ago fallen Americans left behind to rot,
    by all predecessor-grandstanding self -aggrandizing occupants, usurpers of the White House, now given due Honors, returned home, America, (Their homeland they fought for)by present WINNER President TRUMP, the First real AMERICA FIRST PRESIDENT TRUMP, America they (LOSERS) EAT FROM,
    and go to their Country of origin now,and save your cheap attacks ,symbol of all Democratic LOSERS, on Americans and their First true Patriotic ,for the People's President TRUMP,inhuman trash,attacks 7/24.

  12. tried to read 806 makes no sense.stop the name calling and grow up.ALL OF are all reading different history books and still don't know whats what.stop putting all your faith into what you read on the internet

    were still in sense stop the name calling and grow up

  13. Alabama is a smart state and they are smart to keep their history, to show the truth and history of the south. Alabama truly is a beautiful state, the people are kind, friendly, and educated. Alabama is a cut above FL, they have smart lights too, much more advanced 20+ years ago than FL. I lied there before moving to FL, AL is so much better, so smart, top notch. We need to remember our history and not forget it, taking down old memorials and history is sad and silly, not showing true education of their state.

  14. There was no internet when John Adams and Thomas Jefferson corresponded with one another from the late 18th century until they both died on the same day in 1826.
