Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Quote of the Day - Nancy Pelosi

“I invite you to deliver your State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress on February 5, 2019 in the House Chamber.”

~ Nancy Pelosi on 1/28/19

Can't wait tonight to see how the Democrats will prove once again how it is they who are they big dividers in this country.


  1. Someone should yell, "You lie!" in the middle of his speech.

  2. Maybe many also do, but working with someone who has TDS is not easy. Someone where we work is crazy saying things like how much she hates the president and could kill him, it is not easy working with people where I work, many liberals who have TDS saying such horrible things. I stay away and don't want to talk politics with many there any more. This country is crazy, there is so much hate for President Trump, it is very sad. Obstructionist and people like Pelosi have really made it a challenge in the work place when they have TDS. So sad. Pray for them.
