Thursday, February 28, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez hit with FEC Complaint

Ocasio-Cortez charged with funneling  Thousands in Campaign Money to Her Boyfriend

I read about this last week. Now the sh*t has hit the fan and a formal complaint has been filed against Ocasio-Cortez, the new congresswoman from New York who has learned  early how to navigate the system.  She learned the "ropes" before she was even elected.

A Federal Election Commission complaint has been filed "accusing her of funneling thousands from her campaign fund to her boyfriend through a political action committee."

Read about AOC...


  1. Impeach her and lock her up with Killery.

  2. One of the most annoying people to come along in a decade.

  3. There is only one possible way to get rid of her, and that is to ignore her: and that won't happen!
