Saturday, February 9, 2019

"Mr. Chair your 5 minutes are up"

Acting AG Whitaker has everyone laughing when he tells Chairman Nadler that his five minutes to question him are up

"Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker appeared before the House Judiciary Committee Friday for the express purpose of participating in a Democrat-engineered assault on the President of the United States."

Go to the 7:14 mark after Chair Nadler continues on with his questions and politics.


  1. They're laughing because he's a meathead. It's not surprising you don't understand that.

  2. @8:52...yes, I have to agree--the ENTIRE Democrat Judiciary members ARE meatheads. Sad isn't it?

  3. Mr Whitaker is brilliant, he wouldn't allow words to be put in his mouth as the Dem tried to do. No puppet.

  4. Dems don't like it when they can't bully people.
