Thursday, February 14, 2019

Mark Kelly to run against McSally

Former astronaut, Democrat Mark Kelly, has announced that he will run against Martha McSally (who was appointed to the John McCain seat) in 2020. Democrats find McSally vulnerable and are running a "star" to defeat her.

McSally is a Navy veteran who originally lost her Senate race to liberal and bi-sexual Krysten Sinema who took her oath of office on the Constitution instead of the Bible.  Kelly is for taking away our guns and is running because of his wife who was shot in an assassination attempt in 2011 that left her with a severe brain injury. He is for gun control.

Arizona is the least gun restrictive state in the country. If you are over 21 and not a convicted felon, etc., you may carry a weapon openly or concealed without the need for a license.

Arizona has been a Republican state since 1948 but turning blue. President Trump won there in 2016 but it was way too close--Trump 49.03% to 45.46% for Clinton.

1 comment:

  1. That is because there are so many illegal immigrants now in Arizona, the same with CA, the elected and congress and dems and pelosi want that all these illegals to turn it all blue, that is their true motive. Maybe when one of the dems, pelosi, or all those liberals there get killed by an illegal then maybe some will change their tune. So sad for democracy and our country to have all these liberals and all this lack of law and order.
