Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Lewandowski and Bossie at Club 45

Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie

Club 45 held their meeting last night at the Palm Beach Kennel Club. Due to large past crowds, they changed their procedure---they now have advanced reserved seating.

As this procedure was new, the club held up our entry. We all started to chant, "let Us In." Those who did not pay for reserved seats were relegated to seats on the sides. We had one usher who was extremely forceful and rude and told us if we sat in a reserved seat he would kick our asses out. It was somewhat confrontational when I said he sounded like a Democrat. That really got him hot.

After that incident, it was all up hill with the guest speakers. Our own Dick Farrel spoke. Farrel is a talk radio veteran and with PROFESSIONAL BROADCASTING Talk WDJA-A (POWER TALK 1420 AM)/DELRAY BEACH-WEST PALM BEACH for weekdays 10a-noon.

Keynote speakers were Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie who were absolutely terrific. They outlined how President Trump is and has been undermined by the Deep State for the last two years and the lengths they have gone to destroy him.  Their book, Trump's Enemies, is a best seller and spells it out. The Fake News Media such as The Washington Post, part of the swamp, is not that enthusiastic about this top seller so we know Bossie and Lewandowski must be spot on.


  1. I was one of those with reserved seats and I appreciate the enforcement efforts of the PBKC staff. People who didn't make reservations were acting rude and impolite and thought it was all about them. There are rules to be followed and if you don't want to follow the rules, just leave. You want to act like a Democrat and challenge the rules, go ahead. But do it outside of our meeting. This is Palm Beach, not some suburban dump.

  2. @9:25--Clarence, the anonymous idiot.
    No one acted rude other than some ushers who were working for Club 45 or whoever.
    Republicans do not think "it's all about them." That is a description of a Democrat. In fact, Republicans abhor elitism and reject it totally.

    No one "challenged the rules."
    So get wise to the facts.

  3. the club expected us to be ok and keep our mouths shut while they worked out all the kinks in a new procedure that was ridiculous.

  4. To the elitist bitch at 9:25. First of all,it is not your meeting. it was EVERYONE 's meeting.And it's not Palm Beach ,Dear. It's the Palm Beach Kennel Club. A dog track. Perhaps the name confused you as to where you really were last night. People were confused as to where they could sit. I was one of them. It was a new system(one I hope is NEVER repeated). As a life long republican and a 59 year old woman,I never expected an Usher to scream in my face (LITERALLY IN MY FACE) that he "was going to haul my ass out of the seat" if I tried to sit there.I was just asking if the seats were reserved. Lynn said "this is really bogus." This guy then proceeded to assault Lynn by pushing her.She almost went down the steps backwards. I got in between this psychopathic jackass and Lynn and got us out of there. This guy then screamed at me and called me "trailer trash". I am not kidding . This really happened. I cannot tell you how ashamed I was of people calling themselves Republicans.I had been to two previous Club 45 meetings and they were great. Like I said,a lot of people had no clue about the new system. And they,including Lynn and I ,were treated like shit.There was not one united club last night. There were two clubs. The elite reserved seating. And then there was the nameless rabble. The trailer trash,as it were.Next time I hear Republicans described as elitist snobs,I'll have to agree.
    Katie Mcgiveron

  5. One of the things that disturbed me the most was the lack of interest by other club members other than those who had been mistreated. There was a lady in the row in front of me who had been maligned by the very same usher.

  6. Unsure about their new format. If the sales of the speaker's books are all up front now and people pay in advance of the event instead of at the end, will they be missing some sales after attendees hear them speak? Can they still get an autographed book and their photo taken?
    Someone in the know please reply.

  7. Let's just take a breath here. I believe only the first four rows were going to be reserved seats and they actually overbooked them is what the problem was. They need to just keep the first four rows as VIP

  8. What constitutes a VIP?

  9. You pay for a seat. That was my word, actually it was Just reserved seating for those who want to pay $5

  10. Most of the whole damn place was "reserved seating" . It was a disgrace.
