Monday, February 4, 2019

Laura Loomer at Republican Club

She's also the activist who arrived at Nancy Pelosi's house with illegal aliens.

Laura Loomer is the speaker at the Thursday, February 7th Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County meeting at the Atlantis Country Club, 6pm. You guys don't want to miss this speaker!


  1. Loomer is anti-Muslim and shares a mailing address with United West, an anti-muslim hate group that maintains a mailing address in Lake Worth.

    Are you aware of this, Lynn? Are you "with" her?

    <--- :) --->

  2. Yeah, right. Christianity is a hate group according to you and your friends at SPLC.
    She is a conservative activist, one of the few. We need mroe of them. She once worked for Project Veritas, the group exposing all you phonies.

  3. Lynn, please stop ascribing the term Conservative to this type of anti-social behavior. She is the antithesis of Conservative.

    Her polar opposite is Kamala Harris, whom I would describe as a Revolutionary.

    With this type of leadership, neither party can win. I can't imagine you would invite her to the Republican Club.

    This woman is going to have a hard landing! I hope you are prepared for that.

  4. I think I'll skip this month's meeting. You mean to tell me there's not one legitimate Republican they could get to come to the meeting and speak to us? I'm sorry, from what I've seen and heard about this girl, she's in need of some serious help. No, thanks.

  5. You guys can't stand it when a conservative fights back. Boo, hoo, hoo.

  6. They fear beautiful conservative women that are master's at getting the truth out. I for sure I'm going to see her.

  7. @9:01--that is a true statement. But what does that have to do with conservative activist Laura Loomer? She is Jewish BTW.

  8. PayPal just closed her account because she's so dangerously crazy.

    United West is in Lake Worth. The big question is who belongs to it and who supports it.

    We want to know.

  9. @5:41--that's not why they banned her. It had to do with anti-Muslim comments. She is Jewish and supports Israel. United West is against Sharia. Good move.
    they have a Facebook page. Check it out.
