Saturday, February 2, 2019

Lake Worth's Commission Candidates

Read Kevin D. Thompson's article on the Lake Worth election.

As I said on the PBPost article, "Omari Hardy is not into his own self-interests.  He is one of the few commissioners who ever does research or even reads the back-up. He is NOT a puppet to the city manager.

As far as Richard Guercio,  he is highly intelligent and would make a great commissioner.  He won't be a puppet either. I believe he was a thorn in the side of city management thus they derived an excuse to kick him off the Finance Advisory Board." Sometimes management does not want to answer too many questions or be forthcoming in information dissemination.


  1. Cathy Turk, tell your BS to your friend Andy. He doesn't own a home here either. Owning a home is not a criterion.

  2. 12.19must be a person who cant sleep at night.why don't you all who bash those running for office shut the hell up and listen. you all have all the answers but not the guts to get involved.respect these 6 running or find another town.some of us are tired of all the respect

  3. @2:08--this is the same person who every time he/she reads something for which he/she disagrees, he/she tells them to move.
    People have the right to have an opinion about those who are representing them or trying to get elected, anonymous. Hope you're not a candidate or a present commissioner.

  4. Turk mentioned home or business. Andy doesn’t own a home here but he does have a business (for better or worse) downtown. Just sayin’

  5. does anyone have a phone number for cathy turk.would like to talk to her

  6. Hardy a smart guy. I believe he will, and SHOULD, have a successful political career. He is a strong speaker who can convincingly recite (sometimes accurate) statistics at the drop of a hat like a savant. It is the reason so many of us (including Cathy Turk) got very close to him and rallied in support of his campaign, going door to door, and promoting our support for him all over town and social media to anyone who would listen. We wanted McVoy OUT and Omari's promise was to not be the "obstructionist" that McVoy was, but also to not be so pro-development that LW would lose its history and small town feel. Once voted in, it became increasingly obvious that Omari's position as commissioner was less to do with being the voice of his constituents, and more about building his own political record, as he seldom spoke and voted in line with the community and instead feels that his own percieved expertise should take precedence since the people of LW aren't smart enough to know what is good for us. It is insulting.

    When he was running against McVoy, many of us defended the notion that such a young man who has never owned a home or business, let alone in LW, could ever truly understand what is important to those who HAVE since before he was born. Well, It is important to be able to admit when you were wrong... and that is what Cathy is doing now by running against him.

    As an active member of the Planning & Zoning board, Cathy was front and center to see how things were not adding up with Omari's words and actions. Omari would have everyone believe that Cathy is just complaining and attacking him for unfounded reasons, but that is simply not true. She has seen the writing on the wall and is concerned for the lack of transparency Omari has exhibited. They say those closest to fire are the ones who get burned, but she is taking the heat for the greater good.... She doesn't have to do this. Cathy is a smart, thoughtful, well-read homeowner and volunteer who has no ulterior motives to further a political career, run a popularity contest to help her business, or to get followers on her blog. She cannot be bought because she has nothing to sell, which is unique and a most valuable attribute voters can seek in any Candidate.

    Cathy could live anywhere she chooses, but she chose our City of Lake Worth for all the reasons WE choose our city! She gets it!

    Unlike many candidates who ONLY get involved once they decide to run for office, LONG before she ever thought she would need to run against Omari, Cathy was giving freely of her time and money to support local businesses, neighbors, events, the arts, schools, and she made good use of her position on the P&Z Board to ensure residents would be well informed prior to zoning changes and building developments that would effect their properties and way of life. You cannot deny that Cathy is running for the purest of reasons and THAT is what should be of the utmost consideration when placing your vote.

    She doesn't need the money, the attention, the popularity, the customers, the ego trip, nor the political resume. She just wants the people to have their voices heard and factored BEFORE the ink is on the paper, and their power stripped away. No discrete meetings with developers, no bait-n-switch promises, no reciting of half-assed data produced by hurried consultants who aren't factoring the full scope of information.

    We seriously could not ask for a more authentic reason to vote for a person to sit on the dias. She is the type of commissioner we have been needing for years, and who knows when we will ever be so fortunate to have another resident like her once Omari moves on... which WILL happen, but not before he does what he sees fit for our town.

  7. Well, you presented your case.
    I have nothing against Cathy Turk--just don't know her.
    Omari Hardy was ranked by me as the best at the Playhouse debates.
    As far as I know, Omari is one of the few commissioners now on the dais who IS open and transparent, so I disagree with you on that criticism.
    Originally I was a McVoy supporter, who, by the way, was NEVER an obstructionist. He fought for people before politics and the betterment of this city. I know that there are certain people that want everyone to agree with them on everything. McVoy was the voice against the status quo (he voted the way I believed) and now we have Hardy, who knows what he's talking about, by the way.
    We have a dais that has ganged up on him...they did the same thing to Chris McVoy. I don't like that and find it to be real sleazy politics.
    Hardy will keep the rest of them on their toes.

  8. I just went to check out her Facebook and saw she mentioned a proposed Dollar General on 10th ave north and A... does anyone know anything about this?!?
