Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Ayatollah says "Death to America"

President Trump receives death threat from Iran’s Ayatollah Khamanei

Should this result in a declaration of war?
Iranian boss and radical Muslim cleric Ayatollah Khamanei has threatened President Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and National Security Advisor John Bolton with death.

From The New York Times
TEHRAN — When Iran uses the slogan “Death to America,” the country’s supreme leader said on Friday, it is specifically wishing death on President Trump and two of his senior officials.
“ ‘Death to America’ means death to Trump and John Bolton and Pompeo,” the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said, referring to John R. Bolton, the president’s national security adviser, and Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state. “It means death to American leaders, who happen to be these people at this time,” he added.

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