Sunday, January 27, 2019

Voter Fraud - 58,000 Illegals voted in Texas

Texas says it found 95,000 non-citizens on voter rolls; 58,000 have voted

"The New York Times reported that the findings were a result of of an 11-month investigation into records at the Texas Department of Public Safety. Gov. Greg Abbott praised the findings and hinted at future legislation to crack down on voter fraud."

This is happening in several states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and California.

Read about the voter fraud It's no wonder that there have been close elections such as in Texas. We need Election Fraud Units everywhere as many state laws do not require verification of voters’ statements that they are citizens.

Voter ID by States but this is not good enough. We need verification that illegals are NOT voting.


  1. Those names were flagged as possibly not eligible. Texas has sent all 95,000 people written notification of the need to immediately clarify and provide evidence they are in fact eligible. The 58,00 figure covers the last TWENTY TWO YEARS.

  2. Ted Cruz beat Beto by only 215,000 votes. Way too close. I would guess that more illegals are voting now than ever before regardless of whether this report covers the period from 1996 thru 2018.
    So, what is your point, @8:46?

  3. Hmm. Do I believe Lynn's take or do I go with the Texas Tribune? Tough one.

  4. It simply amazes me that you are always defending criminals and the liberal enticed fraud going on at the voting booth.
    It's not "my take" but there are numerous articles attesting to voter fraud all over the country.

  5. This is why we need law and order in the USA, all of this must stop. Then we wonder why the good law abiding citizens of this country are losing all respect for our government and the fact that laws are being broken or not enforced and we have problems like this. Many can now understand why there is so much mistrust of our country and leaders here. So sad for all of us here. Pray to end all of this and to restore law and order in our country please!

  6. Hmmmmm.. Do I believe any newspaper, NOT.

  7. I defend the truth, Lynn...and you're the enemy of the truth in these parts.

  8. @12:45...that's funny!
    You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you smack in the face.
    Truth in these parts you say---well, I do live around liberals, socialists, communists and open border people. That's pretty hard to digest and live around.
    I would suggest that you get a different perspective and turn off CNN and MSNBC.

  9. And Politifact came out with its ruling today: False.

    Lake Worth's Fake News Queen continues her reign.

    There are dozens of articles out there on this subject--not left-leaning fact checkers.
    I still don't know why you like to take the side of illegal criminals. Perhaps you would like to explain that.

  11. and then if you don't like that link--here's one for ya--

  12. I pray every day that CNN or MSNBC reports that a Cat 5 hurricane is heading right into your condo complex, Lynn. Everyone evacuates except you because The American Thinker or The Powdered Wig says it's going north.

    Now THAT would be a healthy dose of MAGA.

  13. @1:35--you must be the world's most miserable person. Go to church or something.

  14. Oops.

    "After flagging tens of thousands of registered voters for citizenship reviews, the Texas secretary of state’s office is now telling counties that some of those voters don’t belong on the lists it sent out.

    Officials in five large counties — Harris, Travis, Fort Bend, Collin and Williamson — told The Texas Tribune they had received calls Tuesday from the secretary of state’s office indicating that some of the voters whose citizenship status the state said counties should consider checking should not actually be on those lists.

    The secretary of state’s office incorrectly included some voters who had submitted their voting registration applications at Texas Department of Public Safety offices, according to county officials. Now, the secretary of state is instructing counties to remove them from the list of flagged voters.

    “We’re going to proceed very carefully,” said Douglas Ray, a special assistant county attorney in Harris County, where 29,822 voters were initially flagged by the state. A “substantial number” of them are now being marked as citizens, Ray said."

  15. Hey, Lynn...turns out this was BS.

    I'm sure you'll update your readers because I know you would never want false information on your blog.

  16. @9:02..yeah, that's why Google's articles on this are 100% in agreement.
    What the article says is, "the list could have missed naturalized citizens because it was based on comparing registered voters against a DPS database of people who said they were not citizens, but in the country legally, when they applied for a driver’s license or identification card. Those applicants are not required to inform the DPS if they later become U.S. citizens."

    It's a crappy system to track illegals who are voting in our country.
    so, it wasn't BS.
    Why are you on the side of voter fraud?
