Saturday, January 19, 2019

Trump Tweet - Important Announcement

But now we have an invasion encouraged by Democrats.


  1. You give no source for your chart, it doesn't say what part of the border and it stops in February 2017. Since the entire blog post seems to be the SW Border and that's where you seem fixated, a more complete chart for the SW Border for your readers is here:

    As you can see, numbers are way down. There is no crisis.

  2. @8:22--thanks for observing that numbers are down. This is all due to the President's policies and being touch on illegal immigration.
    There is a crisis. Why don't you recognize it instead of spouting the Democrat line.

  3. So when numbers go down tremendously, the crisis goes up?

    Interesting way of looking at it.

  4. Glad you find it "interesting. Give the president the credit due. And, we have a huge crisis at the border. WTH is wrong with you Democrats?

  5. Nothing is wrong with Democrats. But you won't see us putting snow tires on a car in Florida either just to make a point.

    There is no crisis. We don't need a wall. And Mexico ain't paying for anything.

  6. Nothing is wrong with Democrats? If you can't see and understand all Trump's achievements, then that proves there is a heck of a lot WRONG with Democrats.
