Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Socialist Left, Kamala Harris

2020 contender Kamala Harris on the US economy

She wants to give free cash to qualifying middle- and lower-income households.

"Harris is offering as much as $3,000 a year for a single person or $6,000 a year for a married couple, on top of existing tax and transfer programs, disbursed either as a lump-sum tax refund or as a monthly payment. Working families making less than $100,000 a year would qualify, including those making close to nothing.

As many as 80 million Americans would benefit, Harris's office has estimated, with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities calculating that the proposal would lift 9 million people out of poverty, including nearly 3 million kids." Wonkette.com

"Harris has supported Medicare for all, legalization of recreational marijuana, sanctuary cities, passing a DREAM Act, lowering taxes for the working- and middle-class while raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy." Wikipedia

Kamala Harris' wealth


The Socialist left runs the Democratic Party: Varney. Fox News Network


  1. Don't forget her support of gender changing paid for by taxpayers.

  2. I don't think we have too much to worry about here.

  3. We have one sick deranged Democrat who continues to post here--most comments are so far over the top they get deleted.
    The poster still does not understand the policy here...debate is fine not veiled threats and lies towards this blogger.
    Democrats are dangerous, not only their manner towards conservatives but their determination to bring down our country. Now their claim to fame is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez--the dipshit. Wow, all your credibility is down the tubes now.
    So, bite me.

  4. sounds like an Obama trick.leave the wealthy alone.if not for them many of us would not be working.before some smart ass says anything I am not a one percenter way down the list.and I am not jealous of those that have.i am sorry for using the word smart

  5. If there are any decent Democrats left in the party, stand up for yourself look what's happening change parties. Too much evil hate and childishness why even Nancy Pelosi
