Friday, January 18, 2019

The Lake Worth CRA still building Art lofts

Read about their latest project... Lake Worth's West Village .


  1. How are their original projects working?

  2. They can build all of them and hope it improves the situation, but I heard many artist and people who live in that neighborhood are afraid and worry about their safety there, and do not like the crime, blight, garbage thrown all over, or how it is over there with all the lawlessness of all the illegals.

  3. I thought illegals were here foe a better life but they seem hell bent on creating the same mess they came from.

  4. I was impressed by the color scheme. As far as the comment from 1:38, I can certainly understand their concerns; however, there is no place that stays clean with two garbage pick-ups a week. Maybe they will have to work out a plan to take care of their own area. Nobody who has a house/property that we ride by and admire does't work really hard on their own property. Either they pay somebody, or they do a lot of the work themselves. Nothing happens without effort.
