Friday, January 11, 2019

The Dimwits


  1. “I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it."

  2. But the Dimwits will NOT budge--not even one little dollar. The Democrats are now to blame for the entire mess.

  3. Trump said what he did after Shumer told him no money for the wall. I mean, it's all on video. Trump wanted it filmed.

    This is what is great about Trumpsters: Trump can convince you of something even when you saw and heard something different with your own ears and eyes.


  4. 6-50 tell me something.what the hell do you think the last guy did good for this country for his 8 about someone lying to the people.i suppose you think its ok for Pelosi to say we have to vote on it then read it.always thought you dems were smarter than what you show
