Wednesday, January 23, 2019

State of the Union

White House planning to proceed with State of the Union, but details up in the air after Pelosi threat

Nancy Pelosi will not take the steps to stop illegal immigration but she will make steps to stop the State of the Union Address by President Trump. Who in the hell does she think she is by asking the president NOT to come to Capitol Hill?

The president accepted her invitation to speak before Congress and he is making plans to do that very thing.


  1. Trump caves. Your boy just got owned.

    Say it with me, Lynn: Madame Speaker!

  2. @11:34--It's people such as you that I truly resent...calling the President "your boy." Take a hike.
    Trump continues to compromise while the Democrats stay politically obstinate.

  3. Trump didn't cave. He just threw a $hit pie right in Pelosi's face. Now she owns this horrid and very embarrassing precedent. Never underestimate Trump.

  4. A "Madame" runs a whorehouse.

  5. I'm glad he's doing this for the Country. I hope Anne and Rush are able to process that.

    There's no e on that Madam!

  6. 9:18 is an expert on Madames.
