Tuesday, January 29, 2019

SOTU on February 5


  1. all the democrats are ready with their rebuttal. Can't stand all the crap.

  2. is she going to tell President Trump what to and not to say

  3. They're not "ready with their rebuttal," Lynn. They just picked the representative who will deliver the response.

    Jeez. Get something right just once.

  4. @5:57--can you EVER get anything right or do you just love to bitch? Stacey Abrams To Deliver Rebuttal To Trump's State Of The Union Address

  5. "all the democrats are ready with their rebuttal."

    They AREN'T ready, Lynn. Let me repeat because for some reason you don't understand english: They AREN'T "ready with their rebuttal" as you claim...TWICE.

    Democrats have selected who will deliver it. That's it. I'm sure they are still in the process of putting the rebuttal together as they have until the 5th.

    FGS, you even repeat the headline that says it and you still don't understand it. Question: are you dyslexic?

  6. Stop coming over here and being a rude witch.
    I am just as sure as you are that they know exactly what points they will talk about. The final form may not be done but their talking points have been decided as they are very much aware of what the president will talk about.
    You are not in the room...you are not there writing the script that is subject to change that very night on the teleprompter that she will read.
