Friday, January 25, 2019

Roger Stone and his Melodramatic Arrest was Overkill

Roger Stone, June 1, 2017 at the Republican Club of Central Palm Beach County

Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Arrested As Part Of Mueller Probe

67 year old Roger Stone knew it was coming. A longtime political adviser and friend of President Trump, he was arrested in Fort Lauderdale around 6am by FBI and SWAT, guns drawn. His door was stormed scaring his wife and dogs and probably every neighbor around.  29 FBI agents arrived in 17 vehicles. It was overkill. CNN knew to be there and were on the scene.

The charge--He made “multiple false statements” about his interactions regarding WikiLeaks, “falsely denied possessing records that contained evidence of these interactions”, and “attempted to persuade a witness to provide false testimony to and withhold pertinent information from the investigations.”

Read about Roger...

He was shackled this morning when he was in court on charges he says are bogus and just part of the Witch Hunt. He is now out on a $250,000 surety bond. Stone has already said that he will NOT bear false witness against the President or make up lies to make things easier on himself. It was indicated that Mueller is trying to squeeze everyone to go against the President.

While he was speaking to the press, an anti-Stone demonstration by screaming idiot Trump haters was taking place. You could barely hear what he had to say.

This is America, folks. What the hell is going on?


  1. Lock him up! Lock him up!

  2. Did you read the indictment? Stone is alleged to have threatened to kill someone.

    Law and order.

    Law and order.


  3. like Trump asked who called cnn so early that they were there

  4. Stop it 3:20 you know Obama can't be locked up, he's a sacred cow.

  5. Little over kill with all the agents and cars at that hour after he already said he would come in..Air time for media

  6. If the biggest objection that Trumpsters can muster to a close Trump confidante being arrested is "He wasn't arrested right!", the FBI is doing its job right.

  7. 5.36 if you think 27 fbi agents with 11 cars and cnn is ok hope someone doesn't snitch on the way how do you think they had t-shirts made up by 10am and being handed out

  8. Madonna should have been arrested in the same overdone way after she said she wanted to blow up the WH.

  9. If there is probably cause to believe that I am working with Russian agents and Wikileaks to influence the election of the President of the US and undermine America's democracy and I have made physical threats against others, the FBI can line up as many cars as it wants to safely take me into custody.

    And, yes, 8:02, comparing Roger Stone to Madonna is about as moronic as you can get.

  10. there's no probable cause.

  11. When has been celebrities mouth off about politics without knowing ANYTHING, they are open to be outed for their stupid, violent comments.
