Sunday, January 20, 2019

President Trump and his Wall


  1. Got his kneepads on for Putin.

  2. Have you EVER been accused of having a mental problem? The ONLY person with Russian connections is your gal Hillary.
    Trump has issued sanctions on Russia--they are still in effect. He continues to issue sanctions.

  3. 5:31 You are confusing President Trump with Barrack "hot mic" Obama. Trump will get the American people's safety wall. He will also get a huge reduction in govt non essential jobs being eliminated permanently. The Democrats have offered no compromises. Trump cares. Democrats don't.

  4. "So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it."

  5. @8:49--Democrats are like pit-bulls.
    He initially took the responsibility. Now he has attempted to negotiate on several occasions by giving the Democrats what they want. The Democrats are there to take Trump down and essentially they are harming our country with their nasty politics.

  6. Kneepads borrowed from 5:31, just for the photo,you have them back now for your date with Hillary.
