Saturday, January 19, 2019

Omari Hardy


  1. You like him? I thought the road bond was Christopher, Ryan and the trio. Why is he takin credit?

  2. What I like about Omari Hardy is that he does his research and reads the back-up---something that ALL commissioners should do rather than voting in the CM's directives. He may have a different political philosophy than do I but at least he's doing what he should be doing...understanding what's on the agenda. That's a plus.

  3. What is his given home address in District 2 of the City of Lake Worth? Where does he live?

  4. Good question 1:27pm

  5. made us a sanctuary city and giving ID to illegals, no thank you

  6. The entire commission voted for that, giving identification to illegals and sanctuary city BS. Remember that before you cast a vote for Hardy and Robinson.

  7. If you speak highly of him, that's good enough for my vote Lynn. I don't really follow it very closely, and I'm happy for your advice on local matters.

  8. @7:26--I gave two examples as to what all commissioners should be doing, not only him. This is not an endorsement.
    I have put up info on all the candidates other than Turk as I just haven't received any info on her.
    Don't forget, the first debate is this Wednesday at the Playhouse.

  9. Well if Hardy lives at 2228 Lake Worth Road, that is a gated community, nice, way different and far away from most of District 2, which is a huge dump and blighted and crime infested, mostly illegal immigrants and renters. He does not live in the hood of dist 2, a real dump. He should be ashamed of himself for keeping such a nasty district and not doing more for it. Where does he teach school? What grade? Does he have good teaching evaluations and credentials?

  10. Where does Catherine Turk live in Dist. 2?

    She goes to Sacred Heart Catholic Church and is involved in helping the poor in the area collecting monthly at the church.

  11. Some of the candidates for commission are Catholic and go to SH in LW, they seem involved, but seem quite unfriendly toward gay people, there are a lot of gay Catholics at this church many couples there, but some of these candidates are not real friendly toward gays. There are many gay people in Lake Worth so we wonder how this could impact them doing well, as they seem quite unfriendly and judging of gays at the church and community.

  12. @1:09--You want to condemn Hardy because he lives where he lives? These developers thought of the neighborhood when they built this place. You want to condemn Hardy because of the problems with slum and blight in the District he represents? That district has a lot of newer housing being built. Poor people try and live where they can afford. I suppose those living in his district is his fault too?
    Turk lives at 901 North b street.
    As far as Sacred Heart not being friendly towards gay people, how can you even tell who is gay and how isn't? And who cares? Certainly not SH.

  13. Do they own or rent? I’m not voting for anyone who doesn’t own their home.

  14. Well, he's a young guy. Most young people don't own their own homes as they are just getting started in life. He will some day.
    Why is that a criteria for you?
    Don't forget the Playhouse debate this Wednesday.

  15. I want to know that our politicians are committed to this city. they have to live with their decisions and not just walk away. he doesnt understand what its like to have an investment here. I also dont like his turning this into sanctuary city and bringing illegals here with IDs. does she own her home?

  16. @8:54--did you know that ALL the commissioners on the dais voted for this? Even the two Republicans. Shocking, really.

  17. ESPECIALLY Scott Maxwell! Come on Scott quit masquerading in Lake Worth and show your real self. Disappointing you don't do that

  18. So, he doesnt own his home; he's taking credit for a road bond that was voted in before he got here; he made us a sanctuary city; and he pushed to give our illegals IDs and pay for them. wasnt the one who wanted us to give $25,000 to Puerto Rico? turk must be really bad or you're having a california moment.

  19. @11:22--if you're addressing that to me--I don't know anything about Ms. Turk. She has never reached out to me. I admire the fact that she is running. We should all learn a lot on Wednesday night. We already know that Omari is smart and not a "company man."
    As far as the sanctuary city (welcoming city)status and ID's for illegals, Herman, who is running, voted for that too!

  20. im voting for miss turk and Richard.clean the swamp. just because they can read don't mean crap.remember the past
