Sunday, January 27, 2019

Muslim woman gets her suit dismissed

Case dismissed involving Muslim woman forced to remove hijab

I love these people trying to do whatever they please and refusing to follow the laws of the United States.

Muslim Suha Elqutt filed suit but she failed to establish there was any violation of her constitutional rights. In this case, it was a manufactured incident as she did not wear a hijab going through security 8 times in 5 months before this incident. Who was behind this insurrection?

Do law-abiding citizens of this country have to pick up the tab just to have frivolous lawsuits heard in court? The Court made the right decision by dismissing this lawsuit. The ACLU and CAIR are having a fit.

Read about it...


  1. Who cares? Was in Lake Worth? Was it in Florida? Why even cover this stuff that doesn't impact us here in Lake Worth? What new restaurants are opening in town? What festivals are on the calendar?

  2. Everything that happens affects all of us in one way shape or form. If you only want to know about innocuous things, restaurants or what's going in in LW, read Wes.
    This blog is NOT about Lake Worth. You're just realizing that?

  3. I care when I see people who don't belong here playing our system with set up lawsuits they could never bring in their own countries.

  4. Well, it says "Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Lake Worth, Florida and beyond" so I guess this falls into the "beyond." There's so much going on right here in our little town or county or, even, state, I don't understand why this stuff is so important to write about here. I read Wes, too, and he has his own thing there, as you know. It's hard to read a Democrat's take on things all the I come here. But this kind of thing has nothing to do with our lives at all.

    It's just my opinion and I don't mean to get you so upset. I usually just skip these things but I decided to step out and say something today. I should have just kept my mouth shut. Sorry.

  5. Ever since the Presidential campaign of 2016, the "and beyond" is much more interesting and important than local politics.
    As I write this blog, I write what interests me first. If people don't like it, and there are many liberals out here who remind me every day on that point, comments that I delete, they don't have to come here.
    Everything going on in this country such as the 12,000 migrants coming in this latest caravan, should be of great concern and importance to everyone. Here, you simply get the conservative view.

  6. Illegals bringing disease among other things, their countries of origin have no infrastructure to eliminate sickness.
