Monday, January 14, 2019

Lake Worth low-life arrested

To all you Lake Worthians who defend your diversity--here's another one for ya.

Read about another dreg on society


  1. Yes, "diversity."
    Haven't you noticed that we can't say anything that certain progressives perceive as "negative" about our city?

  2. 9:27 -comment on the article. Another Latino POS terrorizing our 3rd world sanctuary county. PBSO is too inept to even carry out an arrest???? Turns into a chase situation endangering countless lives??? Desantis needs to get rid of Bradshaw!

  3. Oh, I get it now. Because the guy's name is "Michael Diaz" and he has some ink, you all think that's he's an illegal immigrant.

    You folks need some serious help.

  4. "He has some ink" even if his grandparents immigrated legally they didn't do it so he could be a criminal and we don't have to coddle him.
