Thursday, January 24, 2019

I thought David Hogg had his 15 minutes

The insipid, obnoxious kid is at it again--

"Responding to President Trump’s address on Tuesday night, famed historian and immigration expert David Hogg, who was admitted to Harvard University despite the fact that he reportedly got a score of 1270 out of 1600 on the SAT, while the bottom 25% of students admitted had an average score of 1460, decided to weigh in on Twitter, pontificating, 'Reminder: No one is illegal on stolen land #TrumpAddress.'"

Read about him... and wonder how American citizens can breed these insufferable and rude uninformed kids. This one is Harvard bound.


  1. Ignore him and don't give him the attention he is seeking

  2. Thanks to folks like you who can't stop thinking about him, he gets even more.
