Sunday, January 20, 2019

Government Employee Fair Treatment Act

"President Trump recently signed a bill that will guarantee federal workers back pay after the government shutdown comes to an end.

According to The Daily Wire:
On January 10, the United States Senate unanimously passed S.24, or the "Government Employee Fair Treatment Act," which would provide back pay for hundreds of thousands of federal employees after the end of the partial government shutdown.

The text of the bill reads in part:

(2) Each employee of the United States Government or of a District of Columbia public employer furloughed as a result of a covered lapse in appropriations shall be paid for the period of the lapse in appropriations, and each excepted employee who is required to perform work during a covered lapse in appropriations shall be paid for such work, at the employee's standard rate of pay, at the earliest date possible after the lapse in appropriations ends, regardless of scheduled pay dates.

(3) During a covered lapse in appropriations, each excepted employee who is required to perform work shall be entitled to use leave under chapter 63 of title 5, or any other applicable law governing the use of leave by the excepted employee, for which compensation shall be paid at the earliest date possible after the lapse in appropriations ends, regardless of scheduled pay dates."

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