Tuesday, January 1, 2019

GoFundMe wall backer to be honored at Mar-A-Lago

GoFundMe wall backer to appear at Mar-a-Lago event

Brian "Kolfage, an Air Force veteran, Purple Heart recipient, triple amputee and Florida resident, decided to take matters into his own hands regarding building the wall at our southern border. He created a GoFundMe page to raise money for the wall from the public." It has raised $18 million to date.

Since then, he has been unmercifully ridiculed by Democrats who, for some strange reason, believe a wall will not work and would be a waste of money. Their reasoning is based on, err, don't know actually and neither do they other than it's something President Trump wants. But they are full of the negative sound bites that walls are medieval, etc. It's laughable.

Kolfage with be honored at Mar-A-Lago by The Trumpettes USA, the president’s fan club and on Feb. 23 will hold a second annual gala celebrating the president’s inauguration.

Read about Brian...


  1. "Mexico will pay for the wall. Guaranteed!"

  2. Yup, and they will pay for it one way or another.

  3. Mexico never paid traiffs on goods they imported in ti the USA , American manufacturers, had to pay 25% duty on top of the manufacturers' cost when importing into Mexico.After President tRUMP's renegotiating that unfair, dishonest deal, Mexico now must be 25% import duty on all imports into USA.Do you understand that we now make revenue,paid by Mexico,
    with import Duties, of hundreds of millions/billions dollars Mexico is paying for the WALL .
