Friday, January 25, 2019

Florida Secretary of State resigns

Florida Secretary of State Resigns 2 Weeks Into the Job Over Blackface Pictures

Only in office 16 days, Mike Ertle resigns for doing something stupid in 2005. But no one thought it a "racist" thing back then. With the new standards of today, things can and will come back to haunt you.

Read about it...


  1. Pretty soon walking will be racist.

    If a white person paints their face black and pretends to be a black person, who is it hurting except snowflake libs? Blacks should be happy that whites want to be like them.

    Remember the good old days when there were minstrel shows and no one got offended? Who is offended by Diamond & Silk?

    The world is going crazy.

  2. Shall we be offended by Michael Jackson or the Wynan brothers movie White Chicks (only because it was bad) it was Halloween and YEARS ago.

  3. I do remember minstrel shows, and to say no one was offended is sort of naive, as I don't remember any black people in attendance. If you do, I stand corrected.

    If you have political ambitions, it would be in your best interest to stick to the straight and narrow path. It's no fun having to explain, or listen to these maudlin explanations years later.

  4. Geez everyone! GROW SOME and get on with life. It gets much more deeper than this nonsense
